Saturday, January 1, 2011

Kavita Kaur, Cilla Foong, Bernie Chan and Steve Yap for Unreserved.


Desmond L.Zhengs said...

A true and honest article. Sad to see the fashion industry in its downward spiral. Hope this article brings change and improvement.

Petra said...

Hi Sheng, thanks for pointing us to this article. It's truly well-written and it was interesting to hear the perspectives - I agree that we could be so much more further along than we are. Would love to meet the models and see more of the work fitting the calibre the interviewers referred to in the article - more of our home-growned, extraspecial 'somethings'. :)

S H E N G S A W said...

cheers! guys.
i am too, little to know about the industry. but, suppose if everyone will work with their passion and true sincerity, i am sure the industry will 'boomz' and keep up to the standard...let's hope and pray for that to happen! xoxo